How to Say Weather in Mandarin Chinese
The weather- 天气 ( tiānqì) has been quite bad recently, with sandstorms hitting Beijing and northern China. Do you know how to say “sandstorm” in Chinese?
In this article, we’ll learn some essential weather-related vocabulary and phrases in Mandarin Chinese.
Weather Vocabulary
tiān qì yù bào
天气预报 – weather forecast
tiān qì yù bào zěn me shuō?
天气预报 怎么 说?
What’s the weather forecast?
Jīntiān zěnme yàng?
今天 天气 怎么样?
How’s the weather today?
tiānqì taì haǒ le!
天气 太好了!
What a beautiful day!
tiānqì bùcuò.
The weather’s really nice.
Seasons – 季节 ( jì jié)
yì nián yǒu sì gè jì jié.
There are four seasons in a year.
chūn tiān 春天 |
xià tiān 夏天 |
qiū tiān 秋天 |
dōngtiān 冬天 |
spring | summer | fall | winter |

A visual journey through the beauty of nature in all four seasons, from blooming spring flowers to serene winter snow.
chūntiān hěn nuǎnhuo. xiàtiān hěn rè.
春天很暖和 夏天很热.
Spring is warm. Summer is very hot.
qiūtiān hěn liángkuai.
Autumn is cool and pleasant.
dōngtiān hěn lěng.
Winter is very cold.
Autumn is the most beautiful season in Beijing, there are 6 of the Best Places to See Autumn in Beijing
Sunny – 晴天 (qíng tiān)
Rainy – 雨天 (yǔ tiān )
yǔ 雨 |
xuě 雪 |
fēng 风 |
rain | snow | wind |
下雨 |
下雪 |
guā fēng 刮风 |
to rain | to snow | to wind |
How to Say Rain in Chinese
jīn tiān duō shǎo dù?
What’s the temperature today?
jīn tiān hěn rè/lěng.
It is very hot/cold today.
Běifāng de kōngqì hěn gānzào.
The air is quite dry in the north.
nán fāng de kōngqì hěn cháoshī.
The air is quite humid in the south.
wùmái kōngqì zhíliàng
雾霾 – smog 空气 质量 – air quality
shā chén bào
沙 尘 暴 – sandstorm
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