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Chinese Culture

/Chinese Culture

Meng Mu San Qian

Meng mu San Qian Mencius' mother changed their residence three times, in Chinese Meng mu San Qian (孟母三迁). When first left a widow Menciuc's mother lived with her little boy near a cemetery, the result being that the latter was always playing at funerals. Mencius' mother was not pleased to see her son mimic [...]

Happy Chinese New Year!

The Chinese zodiac calendar - known as Sheng Xiao - is divided into 12 cycles. Each cycle lasts 12 months and is represented by an animal. 2015 is the Year of the Goat. Those born in 1919, 1931, 1943, 1967, 1979, 1991 or 2003 are goats. Millions of people across the globe celebrated the Chinese New Year [...]

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